Our Animal Assisted Therapy programmes help people overcome depression.

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Animal Assisted

For more than 30 years we have believed the bond with animals helps people feel better. That is why we were the first to introduce Animal-assisted Therapies in Spain.

Since 1995, we have managed to create more than 30 programmes in which we have been able to help hundreds of people with different needs. Something we would never have achieved without them: our therapy dogs.

Canine Assisted Interventions (CAIs) consist of therapeutic activities in which an education or health professional uses an animal that meets specific criteria and has been specifically trained for this purpose as an integral part of a treatment process. In this process, objectives are set and the interaction between the user and the animal is guided, quantifying progress and assessing results.

Thanks to this type of therapy, we can work on 4 different areas. On the physical level we enhance the movement, physical activity, motor skills and balance of patients. In the cognitive field, we work to improve memory and all learning processes. On an emotional level, we encourage their freedom to express their feelings and emotions. And finally, in the relational field, we increase their motivation to relate to those around them by improving interpersonal relationships.

Our therapy dogs


Post-traumatic stress and shelter dogs

Raúl, a young man who grew up with Bau’s help

Pioneers in Animal Assisted Therapies