I have a pet

50 contents
11 June, 2019
Dogs and cats abandoned, adopted and lost in Spain during 2017
22 May, 2019
Dogs and cats abandoned, adopted and lost in Spain during 2016.
No es la navidad es con quien la pasas
11 December, 2018
Christmas is a time for parties, presents and carols.
Cuenta con ellos estas fiestas
11 December, 2017
Dogs and cats are always there for you. Why wouldn’t you spend the homeliest days of the year...
13 December, 2016
Cats and dogs are not toys, #PetsAreNotToys, they are so much more. They are friends who look...
18 August, 2016
It’s up to us to keep a dog or cat from ending up on the street.
15 July, 2016
There is an increase in the number of lost animals that were reunited with their owners.
9 July, 2016
Dogs and cats abandoned, adopted and lost in Spain during 2015.
Descubre #AnimalesQueCuran, nuestra causa de este año
15 April, 2016

Affinity Foundation is focusing this year on spreading knowledge about animal-assisted...

14 April, 2016
In our study on the bond between children and animals, we asked them: What makes dogs happy? Do...
Affinity Foundation Children and Animals 2015 Study White Paper
14 April, 2016

Did you know that 94% of children feel better with a pet nearby?


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