I have a pet

50 contents
20 March, 2020
The State of alarm installed in all of Spain as a consequence of the coronavirus Covid-19 has...
Whitepaper Estudio sobre Abandono y Adopción de Animales de Compañía 2017
22 November, 2019
Abandonment is once again the number one small animal welfare problem in Spain. The number of...
22 November, 2019
The number of animals taken in by shelters and animal welfare associations is comparable to...
22 November, 2019
In 2017, we surveyed a representative sample of the French population including 1035 persons...
8 October, 2019
Between 5 and 10% of the general population are allergic to dogs and cats, Allergy to cats is...
7 October, 2019
A pet animal contributes innumerable benefits to the lives of children. In general the company...
7 October, 2019
Whether we have had animals or not, the simple fact of having been close to them at any moment...
7 October, 2019
Although the percentage of families adopting a pet is higher than that of single people, in...
7 October, 2019
Hello, newcomer adopters! We are going to give you an overview of the basic considerations...
7 October, 2019

Living together with a pet tends to improve the quality of life of people in many ways: it...

Infographie Attitudes et perceptions des animaux de compagnie en France 2017
27 September, 2019
Infographics, Perceptions and attitudes towards pets in France in 2017.
9 September, 2019
(“They’d never do it to you”): a study by Fundación Affinity into the abandonment and adoption...


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